Living Together…

I like making lists, I really do. They help me stay organized and I feel a since of accomplishment when I see boxes checked off as I complete my daily tasks. I’m really irked today though because I went through all the trouble of making a list of things I needed to do today only to have my plans thrown off by my boyfriend who took me to the store (which I planned for) then decided he was going to make side trips (that I didn’t plan for) and here I am 5 hours later with a list of things I have to get done and only 2 hours to do them, because I really want to go to bed at 1opm, but it’s 8pm and if I eat dinner, I couldn’t go to bed until at least 11, so I don’t know if I’m going to eat or not, it’s left over spaghetti and garlic bread.

I’m just irritated that he planned those side trips but didn’t consult with me. RAWR!!

I didn’t eat breakfast, I ate lunch. I really want to reverse that habit, eating breakfast and skipping lunch.


Too many allergies and not enough tissue. I seriously feel like my head is in a cloud and focusing is difficult to do.

To start, I am in my late 20’s and have a very large BMI number which I’d like to get down in the normal range. I’ve been actively trying to loose weight (mainly by cutting my calories and watching what I eat. I’m trying to be vigilant and not slip into a mode of apathy so that I don’t care what goes in my mouth. That’s happened before, I can remember eating a whole back of mini Reese’s peanut butter cups by myself because I could and I didn’t care what I was doing to myself. That is what I want to break; those bad eating habits, and that dangerous way of thinking and try to eat more normally and do my best not to slip into that mindset where I just don’t care anymore, but I do care.

Right now I’m trying to break myself from the bad habit of eating after 8pm. I like to go to bed around midnight, so eating after 8pm really isn’t good for me because the food I eat doesn’t turn to energy. I need to start exercising, but that’s a whole different thought process for me.