Oh the pain…

One week ago, in the last few hours of the night on Friday, February 1, 2013 I made the grave mistake of not checking my bike and riding it down a steep hill on the way home from work. I’ve ridden down that hill several times in the last three months, and never once thinking of the wear it caused on my breaks until right then. I couldn’t stop myself, I couldn’t use my shoes to stop myself. My boyfriend got mad and asked, “Why didn’t you bail out?” Well because, I thought I could handle it.


I couldn’t handle it, and I couldn’t handle my already skewed bicycle. Therefore, I crashed. I crashed hard. I wound up with something more than a skewed bicycle, a broken front wheel at the very best and a knee that couldn’t bend or straighten without me wanting to scream bloody murder.
I went to urgent care on Sunday, after keeping my legs elevated and iced on Saturday. I got fluid taken off my knee and got a cortisone shot to help with the swelling. I was told to take 800mg of ibuprofen three times a day and go to physical therapy.

It’s funny to think how not being able to do ANYTHING without some sort of aide (crutches, an office chair, another person, ect) can make a person go nuts. I really don’t like being cooped up in the house all day, but living at the bottom of a hill in a cul-de-sac makes getting out and about pretty difficult. I can’t even go grocery shopping by myself anymore and I’m not used to this.

I can’t go to work either because the “light duty” restrictions my doctor gave me are unacceptable to the company I work for. Also, despite the fact I have decent hours at work and make decent money, I’m still only part time, so that means no health insurance, so I’m pretty screwed.

Despite all of that, I think I’m doing well… since I can’t buy food, I really can’t eat a lot and am forced to ration out what I have left. If you think my boyfriend’s a dick for not taking me, well he lives 70 miles away from me at the moment and my roommates are the dicks.

Looking at the progression of photos, I’ve realized that my right leg was slightly swollen as well, though not nearly as bad. I didn’t mention this to the doctor because I swear the only thing that hurt was my left knee.

I’m not getting much exercise in either, going from riding 10 miles 5x a week to doing nothing is making me worried. I’m at a loss of what to do. I did want to give you guys a much needed update though and thanks for reading.
