Weekly Weigh In 5

New Weight: 95.3kg or 209.66
Old Weight: 95.9kg or 210.98

Difference: -.6kg or -1.32 lbs

Didn’t even loose half of what I gained 2 weeks ago, but with 2 bad days in a row, I’m not surprised to say the least. I found out that breaking my own rules just makes me sad. I wasn’t even happy with the candy I had last night (even though I did share with my boyfriend and we agreed together to buy it) and it makes me want to modify my candy rule… to the way it should have been in the first place. Sure, I can have  some if my boyfriend and I agree together to buy it, and share it… (modification) however, HE has to be the one to mention it, not me.

I also went over board a couple of nights ago by not measuring out how much pasta I was eating, and ate until I didn’t want to. I wasn’t super stuffed, and I was able to turn down a suggestion for dessert, but I need to be more strict with myself so that I don’t go nuts like that again.

Weekly Weigh In 4

I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for 4 weeks! I’m so proud of myself!

Unfortunately, this week the news isn’t as happy. I gained a bit this week *gasp*

New Weight: 95.9kg or 210.98
Old Weight: 94.9kg or 208.78

Difference: +1kg or +2.2 lbs

I’m doing my best not to be discouraged, I’ve been doing so well with everything. I do know I need to add more exercise into my life, what I’ve got now isn’t nearly enough, and is probably basic, everyday exercise.


Today was kind of embarrassing. I take my food journal with  me everywhere, work, doctor appointments, school… everywhere. It’s always in my purse if I’m not writing in it.

I’ve had a few coworkers ask me about it since they catch me writing in it during lunch and I always am honest and tell them what it is. I’m not embarrassed by it, my method is working, even if they don’t notice (we all work together random times a week, yay retail.)

However today, my manager (whom I’m chummy with) comes up to me, in front of two other coworkers and asks, in a silly voice “Did you write your lunch down in your book yet? Did you get those chips down too?” I nodded but I know I blushed brightly because I felt my face grow hot and everyone kind of laughed.

I know she wasn’t being mean or anything,  but it was really embarrassing to me for her to do that. I’ve already told myself it doesn’t matter and I’m going to keep this up because if I want to keep loosing weight (and keep it off!) I’m going to have to stay serious about what I do, I can’t slack off because it’s time consuming or I get embarrassed because of it.

I’m fine, I just wanted to tell someone lol

Weekly Weigh In 3

So, this blog is a day late. I was running behind on time yesterday so I wasn’t able to weigh myself in the morning, but I did do it today.

Weight: 94.9kg or 208.78lbs
(I forgot to write down the other stats, sorry)

So, from last week I’ve lost 2.3kg or 5.06lbs

Results (from the beginning):
kg lost: 3.8
lbs lost: 8.36

So,  I’m doing well despite the fact I had some chocolate cake this week, go me!

Counting Calories

So, I started counting my calories this week, and I did well yesterday, but not so well today. How does one count calories when one doesn’t know exactly how much she put in?

For example, my boyfriend wanted some Italian potato salad. It’s tasty and healthy but I didn’t sit there and measure how many ounces of red potato I used (20 red potatoes, but they’re not ALL the same exact weight) or any of the other stuff I threw in there. So I didn’t count any calories for tonight, but I’m giving myself a guess of about 700.

The potato salad was quick, easy and a great alternative to traditional potato salad, olive oil instead of mayonnaise makes it even more healthy.

I didn’t eat all that potato salad, I got about half way and had to call it quits, those potatoes are quite filling.

So, that that approximation, I had a grand total of 1531 calories today, much better than yesterday. I’m sure I’ll do even better tomorrow!

Eating Out

Today I went out to eat with a friend that my boyfriend and I don’t get to see very often. I was nervous because we went to The Old Spaghetti Factory and pasta is never light in calories. I wasn’t panicking or  anything, I’m not counting calories yet… that starts on Wednesday. I did want to make good food choices when I knew my choices were limited.

I ordered only water, and I only got through 2 glasses of that, and I ordered vegetarian lasagna. I was super naughty and put some extra Parmesan cheese on it though. I really enjoyed it, with its mushrooms and artichoke hearts. I was really proud of myself when I didn’t eat it all and got to take the leftovers home (which I ended up having for dinner along with some soup.) I really need to get in the habit of always taking food home with me and never eating it all in the restaurant.

Alright, I do have a confession to make… I ate some thin mints today, 8 of them! Why is this bad? It breaks part 1 of Goal #1; no chocolate. I really haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet. No dessert tonight for sure… I think that’s fair enough.

Weekly Weigh In 2

Yay today is Saturday so that means it’s time for my weight. I didn’t think I would have lost as much as I did, but I’m so happy that the walking is working out for me, I know I need to throw the weight reps in there, but shame on me for not doing it yet. It looks like my exercise goal will have to be pushed back for another week 😦

Weight: 97.2kg or 213.84lbs
Fat %: 43.1
Water %: 39.2

I really don’t know what those percentages mean, but I’m tracking them because my scale gives them to me.

So, here is the result:

kg lost: 1.5
lbs lost: 3.3

Go me! I’m also excited because I’m down 1 BMI point.

Today I’m going grocery shopping, so I’ll be walking around for a few hours!


I’m getting frustrated with myself, I can’t seem to get on the ball of exercising… more than just walking to school. I did a few reps last night, in some simple things… but I want to take this seriously and my mind’s all “I’m writing down and watching what I eat, be happy with that.” I can’t be happy with that because I want to build more muscle, lean muscle rather than bulky muscle, but I can’t get my mind off it’s couch and in a “Yeah, let’s do this!” kind of mood. Apparently being healthy isn’t a good enough motivator for me… I’m going to have to try something else, I don’t want to be set back a week.

Also, blister on my toe from walking to and from school today >.<