Goal #2

I’ve started (yes, today!) keeping track of what I’m eating and when, and how I’m feeling during the day generally.  I’m not too sure if I’m going to post that stuff on here or not. I really have a hard time sitting down and logging into things and keeping food journals online, my notebook however, I can take anywhere with me and make little notes when I can.

This does lead me to my second goal: counting calories. I used to be able to do it without a second thought many years ago, but I stopped and couldn’t have cared to start up again. Now I’m trying to force myself to care. This goal set will have some rewards (not food related) tied to it. I haven’t determined the reward yet for myself though.

Goal 2: Calorie Counting.
Week 1– write down food eaten and times
Week 2– same as above: I’m giving myself 14 days to get this down before I delve into some serious counting.
Week 3– write down food eaten, time and Kcals
Week 4– write down food eaten, time, Kcals, fat and carbs

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